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What we offer:
•Thorough saddle fit evaluations (English and Western saddles)
•On-site flocking adjustments (English)
•Complete reflocking (English)
•Billet replacement, minor repairs (English and Western)

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Poor saddle fit can affect your horse’s performance, and can over time lead to chronic pain. The horse then has difficulty concentrating on his task because he is in pain. Resisting is his way of communicating this to you, and this is often interpreted as poor behavior, a bad attitude, or unwillingness. If your horse exhibits any of the following behaviors, then the saddle may be a problem:

• Objects to being tacked up or mounted (pins ears, swishes tail, bites, kicks)
• Bucks
• Unable or unwilling to round his back and collect
• Unable or unwilling to flex laterally
• Refuses fences

Poor saddle fit can also be hard on the rider. You might fight to stay in the correct position, feeling that you are always being pitched forward or backward. You can’t seem to keep your legs in the right position, and you instructor is never happy with your position. You seem to be fighting with your horse instead of working together. It can leave you tired and hurting as well, and while you might tend to blame yourself, it is likely the saddle.



Wool flocking is still widely used by many saddlers to pad the panels of English saddles. It has stood the test of time, and is still considered by many to be the best padding material. Wool flocked panels do require periodic maintenance, however, and depending on how much use a saddle sees, It should be evaluated by a professional saddle fitter at least once a year. If only minor adjustments are needed, these can be done on site.



In time, the wool flocking will become compressed or lumpy, and at this point should be replaced. Reflocking makes the saddle feel new again, and will provide a more comfortable ride. How often this should be done depends on the saddle and the frequency and conditions of its use. If the panels of your saddle are hard, flat, or feel uneven and lumpy, they may need reflocking. Complete reflocking involves removing the old flocking and replacing it with new long strand virgin wool. We do not use synthetic wools except at the request of the owner; typically when the saddle was originally flocked with synthetic wool.

After a complete reflock, the saddle will need to be rechecked after about 6 weeks of use. The wool will compress and shape itself to the horse’s back. After the re-evaluation, the saddle will be topped-off and adjusted where necessary.

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